Glossary – K

Kingdom or Reign of God (N.541ff, 671)

The Kingdom or Reign of God is a term used in both the Old and New Testaments to describe the saving and life-giving rule of God over creation and human history. The preface for the liturgy of the Feast of Christ the King describes it as “an eternal and universal Kingdom: a Kingdom of truth and life, a Kingdom of holiness and grace, a Kingdom of justice, love and peace”. In the Lord’s Prayer Christians pray that this Kingdom may come “on earth as it is in Heaven”. On the one hand Jesus ushered in the Kingdom with his presence on earth (Mark 4:30-32) while on the other hand the Reign of God will not be experienced in all its fullness until Christ comes “again in glory to judge the living and the dead” (Mark 13:26-27). Christians are called on to take responsibility, both in the personal and the public spheres, for trying to foster the reign of justice and peace in their own times and situations.


A Greek word for ‘Lord’. Kyrie eleison (kee-ree-ay ay-lay-ee-suhn) “Lord, have mercy” is an ancient prayer for mercy which is part of the Penitential Rite of the Eucharist. Listen to the Taize community singing a Kyrie.

Kyrios (N.446-451)

A Greek word for “Lord”. It is used in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament, as a name for God (see entries on Yahweh and Adonai). In the Gospels it is sometimes used of Jesus simply as a title of respect – something like “Sir” (see Mk 7:28). Most importantly in other places, especially in the Pauline letters, it refers to Jesus’ divinity. By his Resurrection Jesus is exalted as “The Lord” at whose name “every knee should bend” (Phil 2:6-11)